What Happens if an Iguana Bites You?

Iguanas are fascinating creatures, but what happens if they bite you? Read our article to learn about the potential risks and how to stay safe around these reptiles

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If you live in an area where iguanas are found, you may have encountered one of these lizards at some point. Known for their distinct appearance and unique behaviors, iguanas can be fascinating creatures to observe.

However, if you are bitten by an iguana, it can be a painful experience. In this article, we will explore what happens if an iguana bites you and what you can do to treat the injury.

Why Do Iguanas Bite?

Iguanas typically bite when they feel threatened or are in pain. If an iguana feels that its territory is being invaded, it may bite to defend itself.

Similarly, if an iguana is in pain or feeling ill, it may lash out and bite as a reaction. Iguanas may also bite if they are hungry or stressed. In some cases, iguanas may mistake fingers or toes for food and bite.

Symptoms of an Iguana Bite

The symptoms of an iguana bite may vary depending on the severity of the bite. Most bites result in pain, swelling, and bleeding.

You may also experience bruising, puncture wounds, and broken skin. In some cases, an iguana bite may cause an allergic reaction or infection.

What Happens if an Iguana Bites You?

If you are bitten by an iguana, the first step is to remove yourself from the situation to prevent further injury. Then, wash the wound with soap and warm water.

Apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth to stop the bleeding. Elevate the affected area to reduce swelling. Apply an antiseptic cream or ointment to the wound to prevent infection.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If the iguana bite is severe or you are experiencing symptoms such as fever or chills, seek medical attention immediately.

Additionally, if the bite becomes infected, medical attention may be necessary. Signs of infection include redness, swelling, warmth, and pus.

Treating Iguana Bites

Treatment for iguana bites typically involves cleaning and disinfecting the wound. In some cases, stitches may be necessary to close the wound.

If the bite becomes infected, antibiotics may be prescribed. Pain relief medication may also be recommended to manage any discomfort.

Preventing Iguana Bites

The best way to prevent iguana bites is to avoid handling iguanas, especially if you are not familiar with their behavior.

If you do need to handle an iguana, approach it slowly and gently, using caution and respect. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, as these may startle the iguana.

Differences Between Iguana Bites and Other Animal Bites

Iguana bites differ from other animal bites in several ways. Iguanas have sharp, serrated teeth that can cause puncture wounds and may break off in the skin.

Additionally, iguanas may carry bacteria that can cause infection. It is important to note that iguana bites are not venomous, so there is no risk of poisoning.

What if an Iguana Bite Becomes Infected?

If an iguana bite becomes infected, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. It is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for proper wound care and to monitor the bite for any signs of worsening.


In conclusion, while iguanas may be fascinating creatures, it is important to remember that they can bite and cause injury. If you are bitten by an iguana, it is important to wash the wound and seek medical attention if necessary.

To prevent bites, it is best to avoid handling iguanas unless you are familiar with their behavior and know how to approach them safely.


How long does it take for an iguana bite to heal?

The healing time for an iguana bite may vary depending on the severity of the bite and whether or not it becomes infected. Minor bites may heal within a few days, while more severe bites may take several weeks to fully heal.

Can an iguana bite cause permanent damage?

While rare, an iguana bite can cause permanent damage such as nerve damage or scarring if it is deep or becomes infected. It is important to seek medical attention if you are bitten by an iguana to prevent any potential long-term effects.

Are iguana bites poisonous?

Iguanas are not venomous, so their bites are not poisonous. However, iguanas may carry bacteria that can cause infection.

Should I avoid handling iguanas after being bitten?

It is best to avoid handling iguanas after being bitten, especially if you are not familiar with their behavior. If you need to handle an iguana, approach it slowly and gently to avoid startling it.

What if an iguana bite happens in the water?

If you are bitten by an iguana while in the water, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if the bite seems minor, bacteria in the water can cause infection.

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